How To Avoid Burnout As A New Business Owner

Grady Polcyn
3 min readJun 29, 2022


Becoming a business owner is more than just launching a new idea or entertaining the masses with your product or service.

Becoming a business owner is, more than anything, a commitment you make to whom you are today, and a promise to the person you will become tomorrow.

With so much responsibility — between managing schedules, increasing profit margins, maintaining the books, hiring staff, overseeing departments, day-to-day tasks, etc. — it can be overwhelming to know just what is priority.

It is often said that “being a jack of all trades means you are a master at none”, and trying to do it all will quickly lead to burnout.

And guess what the biggest killer to startup businesses is?


And guess what is the most underrated concept when it comes to scaling your startup business (when implemented correctly)?


→ What is the compound effect, you ask? Taking small, seemingly insignificant steps consistently over time to reap a huge reward.

It’s the principle that, everyday choices will compound over time, leading you to success — or disaster, depending on your choices.

So, how do you know which choices to make that benefit your cause? That lead you in the direction you desire? That build you business?

Well, although I don’t know what it looks like for everybody, I do happen to know a thing or two about where insurance agents should put their focus to obtain their ultimate goals…

#1. Focus on increasing your personal production.

Selling conquers all.

And the more you sell on your own pen, the more credibility you build in the eyes of those you are trying to recruit into your growing agency.

… Which brings me to my next point…

#2. Focus on introducing “x” amount of people to your business opportunity daily.

You decide what “x” is. It could be 1 person, or it could be 3 people, or 5, or 10, or whatever you want it to be.

But here’s the thing… whatever “x” is, make sure it’s a number you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you can achieve every day.

Why? Because it’s a small, seemingly insignificant step… that can pay out in a big way (the compound effect doing what it does best — compounding).

That’s it. Those are the only 2 things that should be made priority for those in the insurance space that have a goal to build a profitable agency.

Everything else, although important, are not as important; therefore, they shouldn’t be prioritized above these 2 activities.

Because let me tell you a little secret…

If you sell at a high level personally, and if you introduce your “x” amount of people to your opportunity each and every day… everything else falls into place.

It’s true. Just see for yourself.

You can do this.

Really, you can.

Go out there and make it happen.

We’ll talk soon,



Grady Polcyn
Grady Polcyn

Written by Grady Polcyn

Protect 10K families/month with life insurance. Coach a team of 1000+ Active Agents. Lets connect at

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