How To Brave Life’s Storms

Grady Polcyn
3 min readJan 18, 2024

Nature has a unique way of teaching us invaluable life lessons, and this particular one I recently learned hit me square in the face. My hope is that it’s equally as impactful for you, too…

Picture this: A snowstorm sweeping across the plains, a formidable force of nature that challenges even the toughest of creatures. While other animals seek shelter by turning away from the storm, there is one that chooses a different path: the bison.

These massive mammals lower their heads, bracing against the gusts of wind and icy flakes, determined to move forward despite the adversity. They boldly face the storm head-on, instinctively knowing that this bold move will lead them out of the storm more quickly.

This carries profound lessons for us, both in our personal and business lives. Allow me to shed some light on a few…

Life Lessons from Bison Resilience

-Courage in the Face of Adversity: The bison’s choice to confront the storm head-on is a testament to courage.

In our lives, challenges may seem overwhelming, but adopting a courageous mindset allows us to confront difficulties rather than avoiding them.

It’s a reminder that sometimes, the path to resolution involves facing challenges directly.

-Resilience through Action: Resilience is not just about enduring hardships; it’s about taking action in the midst of adversity. By walking into the storm, bisons actively engage with the challenges they face.

Similarly, in our lives, resilience comes from proactive responses to difficulties, finding solutions, and moving forward despite the odds.

-Adaptability as a Strength: Bison resilience lies in their adaptability. Recognizing that walking into the storm is the quickest way out reflects a keen understanding of their environment.

For humans, embracing adaptability allows us to navigate life’s storms more effectively. Being open to change and learning from experiences enhances our ability to overcome challenges.

-Trust in Instincts: Bisons rely on their instincts to guide them through the blizzard. Trusting our instincts can be a valuable life skill.

Intuition often leads us towards solutions that may not be immediately apparent. Just as bisons trust their instincts in the storm, we can trust our inner guidance in challenging situations.

Applying Bison Wisdom in Everyday Life:

  1. Face Challenges Head-On: Instead of avoiding difficulties, approach them with courage and a willingness to find solutions. Facing challenges directly can lead to personal and professional growth.
  2. Take Proactive Steps: Resilience is an active process. Identify actions you can take to overcome challenges, and don’t be afraid to make bold moves when necessary.
  3. Embrace Change: Like bisons adapting to their environment, embrace change as an opportunity for growth. The ability to adapt is a key factor in navigating life’s storms successfully.

As we marvel at the bison’s wisdom and courage, allow it to be an inspiring reminder that sometimes, the quickest way out of life’s storms is to face them head-on.

You are braver than you think and stronger than you know.

I’m rooting for you.

Be a bison.



Grady Polcyn

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