How To Win At Sales

Grady Polcyn
2 min readJun 16, 2022

If you’ve been in entrepreneurship, in any sense of the word, then you’ve experienced this at least once.

There are seasons to life and to business — times when what you have planted long before and watered can finally be harvested, and times when you’ve put your time and energy into seemingly reaps no reward.

Unfortunately, what I see far too often in new insurance agents and growing producers is they quit on themselves and their goals in the dead of “winter”.

What they don’t yet understand is they haven’t been through enough season cycles to know that the sun will come again.

Entrepreneurship is no walk in the park. And although everyone has the opportunity to venture into it, not everyone will and truly, not everyone should. It isn’t for everyone.

And I think that’s something important to preface when inviting new people, new recruits into your world — whatever the business may be.

As amazing and incredible as the insurance business is, and as wonderful of an opportunity it is to grow in all ways — personally, relationally, financially — there are “winter” seasons.

Times when it seems no matter:

→ How many leads you have
→ How many dials you make
→ How many homes you sit in

There is just no getting ahead.

I don’t say this to dissuade you, or to turn you off to what is possible, but I say this to prepare you for what can happen — and hear me when I say this… it happens to everyone.

An old mentor of mine used to say, “Grady, you should give people the antidote ahead of time. Let them know that the pain will come. Let them know the hard times will come. If you season the agent correctly, you set them up to succeed.”

So here is the antidote for you…

You’re going to experience things within your line of business that aren’t going to end up the way you want them to. But, they will ultimately end up the way that they are and we can’t control the way things are supposed to be.

What does that mean?

It means to expect and prepare for “winter” because it will inevitably come.

Burrow down, keep moving to stay warm, and know that the sun will come again.

→ Leads will answer the phone
→ You will sell those you sit with
→ Business will stay on the books

Believe in yourself enough to keep going. Slow progress is still progress, and the only thing that will bring you to a complete halt is if you quit.

Don’t quit.

Believe in you becoming. Believe in you evolving. Believe in you winning.

Push through.

Rise up.

Stay strong.

You can do this.

And I’m here to help you when you need it.

Talk soon,



Grady Polcyn

Protect 9,000 families/month with life insurance. Coach a team of 1000+ Active Agents. Lets connect at