The #1 Reason Why Businesses Don’t Grow
I want to tell you a story that has had a powerful impact on me, which in turn, changed my mind about business. And it’s my hope that you have a similar experience.
It is an ancient proverb about ‘The Chinese Bamboo Tree’.
You see, this isn’t just any tree. This tree has very special requirements for it to grow.
Here’s how it works: You plant the seed in the ground, then you must water it for 7 years before it sprouts out of the ground.
If you miss a day, the entire process starts over.
It requires 7 years of water and sunlight before it ever makes the tiniest bit of surface progress.
Now, I know you what you’re thinking… what’s the point then, if it doesn’t do anything for THAT long?
Let me answer that thought question with an actual question — do you know what happens when it finally breaks ground?
It grows to 60 FEET IN 60 DAYS! Yes, that’s right!
So, did it grow to 60 feet in 60 days? Or did it grow to 60 feet in 7 years?
The answer is 60 feet in 7 years…
It was the consistent watering and nurturing of this seed over 7 years that allowed the massive growth over those next 60 days!
When I heard this story, it got me thinking that it’s a perfect representation of business.
I remember when it was just me running insurance appointments all by myself with no team…
There were days when my efforts were instantly gratifying. I protected families, I received my commission, and went home a happy man.
This is how I suspect it felt when the seed of the bamboo tree was planted. Maybe even the first week or two of watering.
But there were many more days when it seemed that no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get it right.
- I couldn’t book the appointment.
- I couldn’t overcome the objection.
- I couldn’t protect the family.
And that’s what I imagine it felt like to go out to the planting place and water, every day for 7 years, before seeing any results.
But I didn’t quit, and now, we are the fastest growing Insurance Marketing Organization in America.
I am mind blown to see the progress that has happened over the last few years and the lives that have been completely transformed over the years — both for the agents and the families they’ve protected.
And, I say that humbly because this isn’t to brag. Let me assure you, I know that there is little I know.
I share that fact as proof that, if there is one thing I do know, it’s that anyone can be successful if they are willing to be consistent.
When times are hard, when you feel like quitting, when taking that next, redundant action is the very last thing you want to do… what you choose to do next is what sets apart those who are successful and those who fall short.
Do what you know the next, correct step is.
Darren Hardy, the author of The Compound Effect (Stellar book, by the way! If you haven’t taken the time to read it, that would be a good place to start), said:
“Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = RADICAL DIFFERENCE”
Be consistent. It always pays off.
You can do this. You really can.
Have a safe and happy 4th of July.
Until next time,
PS — here’s that book I was telling you about… HIGHLY recommend.