The Answer To This Question Could Change Your Life
I recently held an open audience Q&A session with my agents where they could ask me anything they wanted, and I would answer them as honestly as possible.
And I was asked by an agent who protects over 600 families a year with insurance personally* this question…
“What daily habits have you begun to help your mindset while building a business?”
Great question. Here was my answer:
1. Exercise.
I personally like to do this first thing in the morning. It wakes me up, gets my blood pumping and my thoughts flowing, and sets the pace for my day.
Now, I’m a husband and a father. I have littles to wake up, feed, and get ready for school and a wife who, although incredibly capable and independent, appreciates when I spend deliberate time with her at the breakfast table.
That being said, there are some days that I work out longer and stronger than others. But this is the point I want you to grasp… I show up. Every day. And especially on the days I don’t want to.
2. Personal Development.
In some way, shape, or form, I ingest information that will help me grow — not just in business, but in a way that infiltrates who I am, my character.
This can be reading physical books, or listening to audio books. Watching a YouTube video, or reading a blog post.
One of my favorite ways to “check this box”, if you will, is through conversation with a peer and/or researching something recommended to me by a colleague.
If this is something that resonates with you and that you want to begin to implement this in your daily routine, here’s a goal you should strive for (one that has worked wonder for me, anyway)…
Share the things that have positively impacted you and forced you to re-think things that you once hadn’t before.
By doing so, you cultivate an environment around you where other people begin to share with you the great stuff that has impacted them. And the cycle just repeats itself, on and on and on.
3. Gratitude.
This is so commonly overlooked by people with ambition to be, do and have more.
You must be thankful for what you have already before God or the Universe or the Stars (or whatever you subscribe to) grants you more.
When you learn to be a good and faithful steward of what you have now — both in practicality and spirit — you will be trusted with more, and more will come, faster.
So, here’s the hard truth — As business owners who want to create a better life for ourselves and for our families, you need to understand this….
What you know today, the bank account you have today, the place you live in today, the car you drive today, everything you know to be true today is all a result of your choices and your actions leading up to this moment.
But here’s the good news…
All of that can be immediately changed by you making new choices and taking new actions to bring you closer to the life you desire for yourself and your family.
And how do you learn what better actions to take?
Copy people who are more successful than you. Do what they do.
If you “mess up” one day, give yourself grace, and keep moving forward.
We are human. This is an evolutionary process.
Keep evolving.
Talk soon,
(*This is important to note because even at the rate of success she is having, she is never too successful to no longer be a student. Keep evolving.)